Rise and decline of the Trafalgar Garment District of Barcelona: a spatio-temporal analysis (1916-2016)

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Rafael Vicente-Salar
Montserrat Pallares-Barbera
Ana Vera Martín


The article examines the factors influencing the dynamics of intra-urban agglomeration economies originating from urban garment districts during the 20th century, focusing on the Trafalgar Garment District (TGD) of Barcelona, specialized in the garment wholesale sector along with the textile and clothing industries (TCW industry) since the early 20th century. Using a mixed-methods approach, the results indicate that as the TCW industry globalizes, the advantages associated with intra-urban localization economies diminish, affecting the productive structure of the DTT and relying more on urbanization economies for survival. However, the role of formal institutions has been crucial in diluting the advantages associated with urban centrality, contributing to the ongoing decline of the DTT. The study contributes to the literature by analyzing the role of intra-urban agglomeration economies from a micro-geographic and historical perspective in urban garment districts, which have received little attention at the national level.


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Vicente-Salar, R., Pallares-Barbera, M., & Vera Martín, A. (2024). Rise and decline of the Trafalgar Garment District of Barcelona: a spatio-temporal analysis (1916-2016). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (100). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3421


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