Social innovation from the citizenship to advance in urban democratic governance: study of Valencia City Council

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Alba Talón Villacañas
Sergio Belda-Miquel
Iván Cuesta Fernández
Guillermo Palau Salvador


The European discursive-institutional framework on social innovation and democratic local governance is characterized by proposing the local level as a strategic space in which to promote new solutions to current social problems and to promote innovative citizen initiatives that co-manage public goods and services. The main objective of this study is to know how local public policy and management are incorporating and signifying the discursive-institutional framework of Citizen Social Innovation to advance in democratic governance. Through a qualitative methodology, focused on semi-structured interviews, a critical analysis of the discourse from Fairclough's thesis is carried out. The perceptions of people working in the management of public policy of the City Council of Valencia illustrate the relationship between discourse, discursive practice, and social practice necessary to respond to the objective on the process of signification. In this sense, the city of Valencia reflects in its most recent plans and strategies what is apparently not only an incorporation of these objectives but also a legitimization of practices based on them. Finally, the case illustrates the complexities and the diversity in the application of this European framework to local contexts.


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Talón Villacañas, A., Belda-Miquel, S., Cuesta Fernández, I. ., & Palau Salvador, G. (2024). Social innovation from the citizenship to advance in urban democratic governance: study of Valencia City Council. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (100).


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