Urban Heat Islands and their territorial links with the urban and sociodemographic system of the Central Region of Mexico

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Israel Rosas Villar
Enrique Pérez Campuzano


The Central Region of Mexico concentrates an important portion of the population, urban systems and the national economy. The urban dynamics alter the cities average temperature, generating microclimates, identified through basic geostatistical areas that are characterized by the presence of Urban Heat Islands that can have an impact on urban activities.  Spatial statistics as Global Moran’s Index and spatial lag model was used to analyse the urban and demographic structure associated with the territorial variability of the average temperature through data obtained from the meteorological stations. Results indicated that Urban Heat Islands originate at metropolitan areas or population centres towards the urban periphery in a radial and asymmetric manner. The presence of Urban Heat Islands is associated with private inhabited dwellings that have electricity, refrigerator, computer and internet services, as well as the presence of road infrastructure, urban morphology, manufacturing, deforestation, and altitude. This study contributes to the understanding of the Urban Heat Islands by using unconventional techniques such as spatial statistics, cartographic representation and more detailed territorial scale.


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Rosas Villar, I., & Pérez Campuzano, E. (2024). Urban Heat Islands and their territorial links with the urban and sociodemographic system of the Central Region of Mexico. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (100). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3365


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