City and audiovisual fiction: approaches for a geographic analysis

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Carlos Manuel
Agustín Gámir Orueta
Víctor Aertsen


After presenting some of the existing connections between audiovisual fiction and geography, the article focuses on the urban phenomenon, providing some key issues that justify the interest in approaching the analysis of audiovisual products —especially feature films— from a geographical and spatial perspective. In this sense, we stand out certain titles due to their thematic connection with ideas and points of view on diverse aspects associated with urban complexity and its changes over time. In addition, we highlight the need to assert audiovisual fiction as a document for urban history, as well as the existing issues in the relationships that can be established between the locations of a production and the diegetic places, of special relevance for a geographical reading. In this regard, we present several initiatives and methodological proposals that claim the possibilities of generating a cartographic corpus from the spatial information contained in audiovisual productions. A final section focuses on film tourism (screen tourism) and the city as evidence of the implications that audiovisual culture generates. The previous aspects justify, consequently, the relevance of the study of audiovisual productions, and in particular those that take place in urban environments, from a geographical perspective.


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Manuel, C., Gámir Orueta, A., & Aertsen, V. (2022). City and audiovisual fiction: approaches for a geographic analysis. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (95).


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