Richard Ford's drawings of the landscape of Gibraltar (1830–1833)

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Antonio Gámiz Gordo
Juan Carlos Pardo González


During his voyages across Spain between 1830-1833, Richard Ford accomplished hundreds of drawings of the visited placed, which were not entirely known until an exhibition compiled all of them in 2014. This research analyses for the first time Ford’s drawings of the geographical area of Gibraltar, part of them never published. First, his sketches of the coastal shapes outlined from a ship at sea, then distant sights of the Strait from Gaucín, panoramic views of the Bay of Gibraltar, views of the Rock and its fortifications, and finally sketches of vegetation and folks. These drawings with no artistic or profitable intention, still contributed to a thorough description which complements the texts published by the author himself in his famous book "A Handbook for Travellers in Spain" (1845). As a comparative reference, other authors’ images and texts on Gibraltar have been also reviewed. The accurate perspectives by Ford, prior to the invention of photography, possess an exceptional documentary value as visual and literary evidence which facilitates a better understanding of this peculiar area and landscape in the 19th century.  


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Gámiz Gordo, A., & Pardo González, J. C. (2022). Richard Ford’s drawings of the landscape of Gibraltar (1830–1833) . Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (93).


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