A bibliometric analysis of Journal of Transport Geography (1993–2020)

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Paula Ródenas Serra
Español Español
Español Español


Founded in 1993 by Richard Knowles, Journal of Transport Geography (JTRG) has become one of the most prestigious scientific journals in transport geography on an international scale. In this article, a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the journal's 27 years of existence is carried out. The Scopus database is used to obtain bibliometric data. Next, a statistical analysis is performed with the support of the VOSviewer software. The results allow evaluating the global scope of the journal, the most relevant articles, as well as the most productive authors, countries and institutions. The most developed lines of research, based on the analysis of keywords, show that travel behaviour, urban transport, accessibility and transport planning are priority topics. With this, it is observed how transport geography has gone through a particularly prolific period in the last twenty years that has managed to strengthen ties with other disciplines.


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Ródenas Serra, P., Español, E., & Español, E. (2021). A bibliometric analysis of Journal of Transport Geography (1993–2020) . Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (90). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3105


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