The economic sustainability of rural tourism aid from the Leader Method in the mountain areas: two Spanish case studies (Valle del Jerte y Sierra de Gata, Extremadura)

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Angela Engelmo Moriche
Ana Nieto Masot
Julian Mora Aliseda


Extremadura has been receiving Leader Method investments for 25 years, aimed at maintaining the population and complementing agricultural income in rural areas. One of the activities that has been most promoted has been tourism by creating an offer (accommodation and catering services), which serves as a support to meet the needs of a growing demand. However, the study of the maintenance of these infrastructures has hardly been analysed within the scientific community, and therefore this study aims to analyse the success and permanence of accommodation and catering companies in two of the Extremadura region's leading groups with the greatest investment: Sierra de Gata and Valle del Jerte. All this, by means of different statistical and correlation analyses that allow not only to check the degree of success, but also which context variables are favouring the maintenance of these companies. The results obtained indicate, on average, that 50% of co-financed tourism businesses are still active, with differences between the two territories studied and that variables such as the old age index, the size of the population, income per household or the investment made directly affect the survival of the infrastructures financed.


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Engelmo Moriche, A., Nieto Masot, A., & Mora Aliseda, J. (2021). The economic sustainability of rural tourism aid from the Leader Method in the mountain areas: two Spanish case studies (Valle del Jerte y Sierra de Gata, Extremadura). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (88).


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