Transitions to sustainability as open-ended processes: Local Agroecological Dynamization with conventional, vegetable farmers in l’Horta de Valencia, Spain

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Daniel López-García
Lluís Benlloch Calvo
Vanessa Calabuig Tormo
Piergiuseppe Carucci
Ignacio Diez Torrijos
Alba Herrero Garcés
Mireia López Nicolás
Josep Manuel Pérez Sánchez
Lola Vicente-Amazán


In recent years, scientific research on sustainability transitions in the agri-food system has been receiving growing attention, shaping differentiated proposals for different contexts and territorial scales. However, the possible transition trajectories undertaken from conventional situations and actors have been less studied. This article analyzes three case studies, in which the Local Agroecological Dynamization methodology has been applied to promote transitions towards sustainability in groups of conventional, water-fed vegetable farmers in the municipality of València. The discussion provides relevant empirical reflections on aspects poorly developed until now, such as the dialectics between deterministic and open-ended visions regarding the trajectories and specific contents of each transition process; the nature and features of the subject of the transitions; or the role of the agroecological approach in the conceptualization of transitions towards food systems sustainability. The article points out the importance of non-deterministic approaches for addressing complex situations, the need to deepen the analysis of the subjects of the transitions towards agri-food sustainability, and the development of methodological frameworks adapted to each specific profile.


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López-García, D., Benlloch Calvo, L., Calabuig Tormo, V., Carucci, P., Diez Torrijos, I., Herrero Garcés, A., López Nicolás, M., Pérez Sánchez, J. M., & Vicente-Amazán, L. (2021). Transitions to sustainability as open-ended processes: Local Agroecological Dynamization with conventional, vegetable farmers in l’Horta de Valencia, Spain. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (88).


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