TBRs, a methodology for the multi-scalar cartographic analysis of the distribution of plant formations

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Rafael Cámara Artigas
Fernando Díaz del Olmo
Jose Ramon Martinez Batlle


An analytical and cartographic method of biomass distribution and plant formations at a multi-scalar level is developed based on bioclimatic variables extracted from the Thornthwaite Water Balance (WB) and the Bioclimatic Balances (BB) of Montero de Burgos & González Rebollar. As a result, a distribution map involving Types of Bioclimatic Regimens (TBR) is obtained leading to the identification of a multi-scale classification at different levels: zonal (macro-scale) with 5 types, regional (meso-scale) with 27 types, and local (micro-scale) with 162 plant formations subtypes, conditioned by lithology-soils, the relief exposure to wind or sunstroke respectively and obtained through the combination of TBR and ombroclimates.


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Cámara Artigas, R., Díaz del Olmo, F., & Martinez Batlle, J. R. (2020). TBRs, a methodology for the multi-scalar cartographic analysis of the distribution of plant formations. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (85). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.2915


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