Urban Growth Simulation with AMEBA: Agent-based Model to residential occupation

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Carolina Cantergiani
Montserrat Gómez Delgado


The implementation of Agent-Based Models (ABM) opens new possibilities to simulate, understand and analyse the processes derived from urban expansion. The AMEBA prototype (Agent-based Model for the Evolution of urBan Areas) aims to simulate this phenomenon by developing three independent sub-models, where planners, developers and the population interact. This article describes the structure and functioning of the population-driven residential occupation sub-model, as well as its integration with the others. Results show that an integrated architecture can be developed in order to better simulate these types of complex systems, and that it is flexible enough to be applied to alternative study areas and project different urban dynamics scenarios.


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Cantergiani, C., & Gómez Delgado, M. (2020). Urban Growth Simulation with AMEBA: Agent-based Model to residential occupation. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (86). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.2910


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