Soil sealing, fragmentation and ecological connectivity in the conurbation of Madrid (Spain)

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José María García Alvarado
María Eugenia Pérez González
María Pilar García Rodríguez


The fast urban sprawl in recent decades is causing significant environmental aggressions, inherent to development, which causes considerable personal and socioeconomic damages. Therefore, a greater integration of urban spaces with their naturalized environment should be planned, generating less ecological footprint and greater resilience to catastrophic natural phenomena, which will increase according to the different climate change scenarios. The objective of the study is to analyze the ecological fragmentation in Madrid (Spain), and to expose the connectivity measures at different scales. The methodology used is easily updatable, thanks to free access to the Sentinel satellite images and the cartographic sources. In 2018, the conurbation of Madrid already consumed on average 18.5 % of their soils, with large spatial variations (13.33 % to the N and 41.41 % to the S), for which the mitigation measures proposed should also be different.


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García Alvarado, J. M., Pérez González, M. E., & García Rodríguez, M. P. (2020). Soil sealing, fragmentation and ecological connectivity in the conurbation of Madrid (Spain). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (85).


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