Socioeconomic reality of Galicia and dynamics of forest fire production

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Jaime de Diego Abad
Mercedes Fernández García
Antonio Rúa Vieites


Galicia, with 5.8 % of the surface of Spain, concentrated 50% of the wildfires in the 21st century. Current researches have mainly addressed the physical and meteorological characteristics, the post-fire situations and their destructive capacities. The socioeconomic factors existing before the fire have been less studied. This article analyzes the dynamics of forest fires in Galicia between 2001 and 2015: the spatial-temporal trends, the affected areas and their relationship with the socioeconomic characteristics of the different Galician municipalities. To this end, (1) exploratory descriptive analysis and (2) a multiple linear regression model with two different dependent variables -the hectares burned and the virulence of the fires- were carried out; the independent variables included both, environmental factors and socioeconomic aspects. The results show that there is a relationship between socioeconomic variables indicative of social vulnerability (ageing, rate of masculinity, low population density or loss of cadastral value) and forest fires. These results can help improve the design of fire prevention actions by public authorities.


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de Diego Abad, J., Fernández García, M., & Rúa Vieites, A. (2020). Socioeconomic reality of Galicia and dynamics of forest fire production. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (84).


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