Conflicts in the tourist city from the perspective of local social movements

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Yolanda Romero-Padilla
Alfonso Cerezo-Medina
Enrique Navarro-Jurado
José María Romero-Martínez
Antonio Guevara-Plaza


This research addresses the conflicts generated by the recent tourist growth in the tourist city from the perspective of local social movements. First, these processes of growth are reviewed, with a particular focus on excess tourism and the role of tourist housing. Second, it reflects on the conflicts and the social reactions to the perception of negative impacts of tourism in its daily space. Third, the theoretical revision is contrasted and applied to the cities of Malaga and Marbella. The results show that in cities with classic coastal tourism rental housing have existed since their origins as a destination, and now it has become visible because technology platforms have placed it in the global market; meanwhile, in cities with urban-cultural tourism, housing is a new form of accommodation that generates new conflicts. Finally, the results contrast the characteristics of the growth model in the tourist city with the demands of social movements based on reconciling tourism with preserving and improving the quality of everyday life. The three results constitute research opportunities.


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Romero-Padilla, Y., Cerezo-Medina, A., Navarro-Jurado, E., Romero-Martínez, J. M., & Guevara-Plaza, A. (2019). Conflicts in the tourist city from the perspective of local social movements. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (83).


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