Recovery and social revaluation of the fluvial landscape: the case of Arévalo (Ávila)

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Francisco Durán Vian
Miriam Serrano-Martínez
Juan José Pons Izquierdo


This article shows the reconciliation between the Arévalo (Avila, Spain) citizens and their rivers, achieved through the execution of a project of improvement and reconditioning of the landscape. The keys of success for the recovery of this fluvial space, previously degraded and forgotten, were three. Firstly, a planned project with low budget allocation was satisfactorily carried out. In second place, the idea of acting in the town’s fluvial landscape received an important political stimulus. Finally, it is important to highlight the environmental sensitivity with which the project was developed through all its phases, as well as the involvement of the citizens at all times. Furthermore, the transformation of the landscape and its enhancement, as well as the recovery of the natural and cultural heritage linked to the rivers, have improved the quality of life of its inhabitants. The methodology used, which is replicable for future interventions in this and other localities, as well as the most relevant results, are presented in this article.


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Durán Vian, F., Serrano-Martínez, M., & Pons Izquierdo, J. J. (2018). Recovery and social revaluation of the fluvial landscape: the case of Arévalo (Ávila). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (78), 419-443.


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