Real estate dispossession and evictions in Spain: a theoretical geographical approach

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Juan Manuel Parreño Castellano
Josefina Domínguez Mujica
Matilde Teresa Armengol Martín
Jordi Boldú Hernández
Tanausú Pérez García


The recent economic crisis in Spain has revealed the weakness of a real estate model based on an over-indebtedness that was upheld and promoted by the financial and political system. As the foundations of this system began to crumble, the socioeconomic consequences soon started to show; among them, a rise in evictions and foreclosures that is particularly relevant to the field of Geography. This paper has two main goals: First, to provide a theoretical reflection on the state of affairs in real estate dispossession and eviction in the context of both the Spanish crisis and the global trend towards the financialization of the world economy; and second, to offer a methodological interpretation based on a new study source, namely, the proceedings filed in the Centralized Service of Process and Attachments Offices of judicial districts, which allow to examine how the above mentioned phenomena translate in spatial terms. The results of the study emphasize the structural character of dispossession through legal action in our country’s secondary accumulation system as well as the need to move forward in the use of judicial records by means of a correct interpretation of proceedings and through the refining of the geographical information.


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Parreño Castellano, J. M., Domínguez Mujica, J., Armengol Martín, M. T., Boldú Hernández, J., & Pérez García, T. (2019). Real estate dispossession and evictions in Spain: a theoretical geographical approach. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (80).


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