Analyzing urban governance through the application of social network analysis (SNA): the case of the Second Strategic Plan of Malaga

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Rafael Merinero Rodríguez
Oswaldo Ledesma González


Governance understood as a network of actors has become the central element characterizing the elaboration and implementation of public policies and a multitude of instruments have been identified allowing its application, among which is Urban Strategic Planning. This paper proposes an analysis of the governance system of the Second Strategic Plan of Malaga through the application of Social Network Analysis (ARS), enabling a structural characterization of governance and its link with the level of execution of public policies.


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Merinero Rodríguez, R., & Ledesma González, O. (2019). Analyzing urban governance through the application of social network analysis (SNA): the case of the Second Strategic Plan of Malaga. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (80).


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