The urban heat island in Palma (Majorca, Balearic islands): progress in the study of urban climate in a Mediterranean coastal city

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Gabriel Alomar Garau
Juan Llop Garau


In this article we present a study of the Urban Heat Island in the city of Palma (Majorca, Balearic Islands). The research has adopted the urban mobile transects method with the objective of identifying the phenomenon and analyzing its spatial distribution, for which three different routes have been designed and a total of fourteen field campaigns have been carried out, in summer, autumn and winter, during daytime and night time. We have identified a typical heat island in thirteen of these campaigns, whose intensity varies between 1.4º C and 5.8º C, and seems to be higher under cold atmospheric scenarios. The maximum values are located mainly in the old urban center, and not so much in zones of the city more densely populated and motorized, where presumably more thermal inertia is generated. Our method has also allowed us to locate, in a general heat island context, cold areas that coincide with thalwegs and open or wooded areas, all of which are of great interest for urban planning with environmental criteria.


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Alomar Garau, G., & Llop Garau, J. (2018). The urban heat island in Palma (Majorca, Balearic islands): progress in the study of urban climate in a Mediterranean coastal city. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (78), 392-418.


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